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Funny Wine in a Box Meme

I get so many wine memes sent to me from friends and family members. That's expected when you're the designated wine person in your circle. Some of them are corny as hell but others are truly hilarious. I've compiled a list of wine memes to get you laughing- just don't spill your wine. I'll be adding to this list as more wine memes get sent my way.

Shitty Wine Memes

No, no, these aren't actually shitty wine memes, they are by far the funniest wine memes in existence. ShittyWineMemes is an anonymous Instagram account and honestly it's one of the best things on the internet. Follow them IMMEDIDATELY! If you've ever worked in the wine industry or as a server, you will literally laugh out loud. Some of their wine memes are easy to understand by everyone but others take a bit of an explanation for wine newbies.

I mean, it happens to everyone and this wine meme sums it up perfectly.

Which one are you? I'm always on the hunt for a wine I've never had before. But seriously, one of the funniest wine memes ever.

Okay, this wine meme might need a bit of explanation. So Spätburgunder is a Germany's name for Pinot Noir. German wines have a long history of years where it was too cold for the grapes to properly ripen, well now, thanks to global warming, Spätburgunder has no problems ripening. I basically spit out my wine when I saw this meme.

I don't think this wine meme needs an explanation, right?

Hilarious. Period. Now go follow the account

Wine Tasting Memes

Lots of wine memes about wine tasting. Here are my favorites.

wine tasting wine meme expectation vs reality

I've actually had someone fall asleep in the grass at a winery during a wine tasting so this meme was particularly funny to me.

michael scott wine tasting meme

These Michael Scott wine memes are hilarious. I wonder if people who didn't watch The Office know how funny these actual are.

the office wine tasting meme

And another one. Now, if you'd like to sound like you actually know what you're talking about during a wine tasting, take my online wine tasting course.

wine tasting wine meme

To be fair this is a pretty good description of a Capri Sun.

south park wine tasting meme

I think this was the first wine tasting meme I ever saw. I never watched South Park but this is still really funny to me.

dr evil wine tasting meme

Do young people get these memes? I mean, these movies came out before they were born, I think. Omg, people who were born 4 years after the first Austin Powers movie came out are now old enough to drink wine.

wine tasting wine meme

As I outline in this guide of Do's and Dont's of Visiting a Winery, this is a Don't of wine tasting, but it happens.

Wine Memes About Drinking

The vast majority of wine memes seem to be about drinking copious amounts of wine or pretending you'll only have one glass. While I don't ever promote drinking in excess, I still find these memes hilarious. Wine drinking memes are funny until it becomes a reality.

finding nemo dory wine meme

For those that don't know, this is Dory from Finding Nemo and she suffers from short-term memory loss.

wine bar wine meme

For me you'll end up at a wine shop. I like drinking wine in the comfort and convenience of my home.

cork collecting wine meme

I keep meaning to make a blog post about cork crafts, but until then, enjoy this meme.

I've seen this meme a hundred times and it still makes me laugh.

I feel seen.

bruno mars wine meme

I don't know why anyone would ever doubt someone's ability to drink an entire bottle of wine. I would just doubt their capabilities afterward.

care bear wine meme

Care Bear stare!!!

Tina Fey wine meme heart and liver

This may be a silly wine meme but there is some deep truth to this.

my favorite wine meme

As Lizzo would say, Truth Hurts.

texting wine meme

Probably shouldn't listen to wine on this one.

procrastidrinking wine meme

I like this meme but I can't relate. I'm very good at multitasking my wine drinking with getting stuff done.

betty white wine meme

I miss Betty White. 🙁

Depends of the night, but yeah.

Mom Wine Memes & Parenting Wine Memes

So I know there's been a lot written recently about mom culture and wine drinking. I don't think it's a coincidence that the concern came out during the pandemic. These memes do feed that wine mom persona, and of course, if you think you have a problem, seek help. But I'm hoping these make you laugh and we don't take the messaging too seriously.

parenting wine meme

My kids know my threats aren't empty but my wine glass is usually half full, I'm an optimist.

wine box wine meme

Do you know how long you can store wine in your refrigerator? Read up on it here.

wine truck wine meme

I vote for a Champagne truck that just stays parked in front of my house.

Mom wine meme

My heartburn was so bad while I was pregnant that wine wasn't even a thought. If you have issues with heartburn you can check out my lists of low acid white and red wines.

Wine Memes about Wine and Food Pairing

So many cartoon wine memes. What show is this again?

This genuinely made me laugh because it's essential very good wine and food pairing advice.

All of the wine.

Someecards Always Has Good Wine Memes

Wine and Coffee Memes

I mean, this one is tough. I can't go a day without coffee but I can go a while without wine.

funniest wine meme

My mom likes to tell the story of how I came to be only 14 months after my brother was born. Any guesses?

wine and coffee meme

Wine Snob Memes

If you don't know why the waiter presents the cork and offers you a taste of wine before serving, you should probably take my wine course.

wine cartoon

I love Merlot!

Speaking of Merlot.

Wine Meme Dump

Here are some random yet very funny wine memes that don't quite fit anywhere else.

wine mask meme

Freaking pandemic.

It is liquid fruit salad, technically.

Oh lord.

A glass of wine a day does have some health benefits.

adele wine meme

Now this Adele song is stuck in my head.

Proper wine serving temperature post here for you.

Since I run a wine tour company, this meme got sent to me nearly every day from a different person every month.

mcdonald's wine meme

I've definitely sent this wine meme to a friend. We're both Americans living in Chania, Crete and the closest McDonald's is over 2 hours away. Neither of us ate McDonald's a lot when we lived in the States but we have McDonald's nostalgia for whatever reason. Anyway, we send each wine and McDonald's memes all the time, its our thing. Isn't that what they're for? You see a meme, it reminds you of someone and you send it to them. Basically the basis of any friendship these days.

rose vs  rosé meme

This rose vs rosé meme made me laugh more than I'd like to admit.

novinophobia wine meme

And finally, this is a genuine fear sometimes.

Funniest Wine memes
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